Remove registry and user data when performing silent uninstallation: msiexec /x “Foxit Reader.msi” /quiet CLEAN=”1″.Force an installation to overwrite the same or higher version of Foxit Reader: msiexec /i “Foxit Reader.msi” REMOVENEWVERSION=”1″.Install Foxit PDF Viewer only: msiexec /i “Foxit Reader.msi” /quiet ADDLOCAL=”FX_PDFVIEWER”.Silently install the application (no user interaction) to folder “C:Program FilesFoxit Software”: msiexec /i “Foxit Reader.msi” /quiet INSTALLLOCATION=”C:Program Files Foxit Software “.This will prevent Foxit Reader from being updated from within the software. NOTINSTALLUPDATE Do not install “FoxitReaderUpdate.exe” by setting the value to “1”. REMOVEGAREADER Forces to uninstall Foxit Reader (Desktop Version).ĬPDF_DISABLE Disables the ConnectedPDF features by setting the value to “1”. REMOVENEWVERSION Forces an installation to overwrite the higher version of Foxit Reader with the value of “1”. (Note: This is a command for uninstallation.)ĪUTO_UPDATE Do not download or install updates automatically with the value of “0” Automatically download updates, but let users choose when to install them with the value of “1” Automatically install updates with the value of “2”. SAFEMODE Default value of “1”, Foxit Reader will run in the Safe Reading Mode.ĬLEAN Executes with the command /uninstall, removing all of Reader’s registry data and related files with the value of “1”. LAUNCHCHECKDEFAULT Default value of “1”, Foxit Reader will check if the Reader is the default reader when it’s launched. SETDEFAULTPRINTER Default value of “1”, installer will install Foxit Reader Printer as the system default printer.

STARTMENU_SHORTCUT Default value of “1”, installer will create program menu group for installed application and its components.

VIEW_IN_BROWSER Default value of “1”, Foxit Reader will be configured to open PDF files inside browsers.ĭESKTOP_SHORTCUT Default value of “1”, installer will place a shortcut for the installed application on Desktop. MAKEDEFAULT Default value of “1”, Foxit Reader will be set as default application for opening PDF files. INSTALLLOCATION Specifies the folder where products will be installed.

Msiexec.exe “Foxitinstaller.msi” / where: You can use the following MSI command line to carry out the installation: DOWNLOAD FoxIt Reader MSIĭownload FoxIt Reader MSI Installer INSTRUCTIONS We have recently had a few requests about creating a MSI installer for Foxit Reader, so we have done just that and it is now available to download from our website.Īs this is a MSI file you can pass parameters to it so that you can use it to deploy through Group Policy or Configuration Manager.