Not only that, but we also give you suggestions on punctuation through the content judgment feature and proceed to put punctuation marks where the most appropriate. There is a brief explanation for users to help you understand better, thereby allowing you know more enjoyable knowledge. All you have to do is enter data with this magical keyboard, and if you encounter a grammar or spelling error, we will send you a notification immediately. No matter who you are, from young to old, whether you are unfamiliar or proficient, you can excellently use the Grammar Keyboard. After that, we will give players the choice of keyboard interface with parameters about black or light border, the color of keys, number row, etc.ĪUTOMATICALLY DETECT SPELLING ERRORS, GRAMMAR Please enable Grammar Keyboard on your keyboard to allow it to work.

If you are ready for the battle of typing with lightning speed after downloading the app to your mobile device. With the latest version constantly improving to give users the best experience, Grammar Keyboard has supported up to 28 languages. No matter where you are in the world, we support a variety of languages for you to choose from and use smoothly. This is really the trump card for all audiences from many different countries. Thanks to that, your reputation in your work is also significantly increased, without being scolded by petty mistakes that affect communication with partners and friends, causing loss of sympathy. Now, you can be completely confident with the work you just completed without making mistakes in spelling or grammar. Grammarly – Grammar Keyboard is considered a close assistant in checking to spell grammar to each punctuation mark.