Now I fully agree with several other reviewers that this is not the best work these two turned out over the years. There troubles truly begin at this point. Our two heroes are interrupted in their plans and instead join the French Foreign Legion in order for Ollie to forget.

Ollie, he says to Stan "people would stare at you and wonder what you are, and I wouldn't e here to tell them." This is thoughtful stuff folks and to be honest, sort of got to me. As Ollie tells Stan of the difficulties of life without him, i.e. He talks Stan into joining him in a watery death and their dialog is one that needs to be listened to quite closely. This "drowning episode" brings about one of the best routines in the movie which is funny, whimsical and sad at the same time. He decides to end it all through drowning himself in the Seine. As luck would have it, the girl, played wonderfully by Jean Parker, is already married which breaks Ollie's heart. The plot of this offering is pretty well known so briefly stated Ollie has fallen deeply in love with an Innkeeper's daughter while he and Stan are in Paris, apparently on vacation from their job in a fish market in Iowa. The movie is in black and white and the version I am reviewing here is of pretty good quality when all is said and done. Also included in the cast are Jean Parker, Reginald Gardiner, Charles Middleton and James Finalayson. But that being said.įlying Deuces was released in 1939 and of course stars Stan laurel and Oliver Hardy. This practice is a bit of a pity a flaw that not only is true for restored movies, but with different editions of various books too.

The old RKO logo is included in the introductions. The version I am reviewing here is a Goodtimes Home Video Corp. "Well, it would seem that Amazon, in its infinite wisdom, included every review of this film all into one mixed bag with different versions of the VHS and indeed the CD represented here.